
Keld Kjeldsen 2021   



K. Kjeldsen. Regulation of the concentration of 3H-ouabain binding sites in mammalian skeletal muscle. - Effects of age, K-depletion, thyroid status and hypertension. Opponenter: professor, dr. med. J. C. Skou, Biofysisk Institut, Aarhus Universitet og professor, dr. med. Eva Steiness, Farmakologisk Institut, Aarhus Universitet. Konfereret af Det Lægevidenskabelige Fakultet, Aarhus Universitet, 1986. Publiceret i Dan. Med. Bull., 1987, 34, 15-46. 

Artikler er opstillet i 4 grupper: Gruppe 1 indeholder artikler med fokus på Na,K-ATPase og kalium, Gruppe 2 indeholder artikler med fokus  på kardiologi og kardiovaskulær farmakoterapi, Gruppe 3 med fokus på vaccinologi og immunologi og Gruppe 4 med fokus på andet - hospitalsplanlægning, uddannelse og  forskningsfinanciering. I hver gruppe er artikler anført i kronologisk rækkefølge. Slutteligt er anført 3 udgivne bøger.

Na,K-ATPase og kalium:


1) A. Nørgaard, K. Kjeldsen & T. Clausen. Potassium depletion decreases the number of 3H-ouabain binding sites and the active sodium-potassium-transport in skeletal muscle. Nature, l981, 293, 739-741.


2) K. Kjeldsen, A. Nørgaard & T. Clausen. Age dependent changes in the number of 3H-ouabain binding sites in rat soleus muscle. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1982, 686, 253-256.


3) A. Nørgaard, K. Kjeldsen & T. Clausen. K-depletion and Na-pump density. Nature, 1982, 295, 717-718.


4) T. Clausen, O. Hansen, K. Kjeldsen & A. Nørgaard. Effect of age, potassium depletion and denervation on specific displaceable 3H-ouabain binding in rat skeletal muscle in vivo. J. Physiol., 1982, 333, 367-381.


5) A. Nørgaard, K. Kjeldsen, O. Hansen & T. Clausen. A simple and rapid method for the determination of the number of 3H-ouabain binding sites in biopsis of skeletal muscle. Biochem. biophys. Res. Commun., 1983, 111, 319-325.


6) T. Clausen, K. Kjeldsen & A. Nørgaard: Effect of denervation on sodium, potassium and 3H-ouabain binding in skeletal muscle of normal and K-depleted rats. J. Physiol., 1983, 345, 123-134.


7) A. Nørgaard, K. Kjeldsen & O. Hansen. Na,K-ATPase activity of crude homogenates of rat skeletal muscle as estimated from the K-dependent 3-O-methylfluorescein phosphatase activity. Biochim Biophys Acta, l984, 770, 203-209.


8) K. Kjeldsen, A. Nørgaard, C.O. Gøtzsche, A. Thomassen & T. Clausen. The effect of thyroid status on the number of Na-K-pumps in human skeletal muscle. The Lancet, 1984, ii, 8-10.


9) A. Nørgaard, K. Kjeldsen & T. Clausen. A method for the determination of the total number of 3H-ouabain binding sites in biopsis of human skeletal muscle. Scand. J. Clin. Lab. Invest., 1984, 44, 509-518.


10) K. Kjeldsen, A. Nørgaard & T. Clausen. The age-dependent changes in the number of 3H-ouabain binding sites in mammalian skeletal muscle. Pflügers Arch., 1984, 402, 100-108.


11) K. Kjeldsen, A. Nørgaard & T. Clausen. Effect of potassium-depletion on3H-ouabain binding and sodium-potassium-contents in mammalian skeletal muscle. Acta Physiol. Scand., 1984, 122, 103-117.


12) A. Nørgaard, K. Kjeldsen, J.S. Larsen, C.G. Larsen & F.G. Larsen. Estimation of stability of 3H-ouabain binding site concentration in rat and human skeletal muscle post mortem. Scand. J. Clin. Lab. Invest., 1985, 45, 139-144.


13) C. Alkjær, K. Kjeldsen, A. Nørgaard, T. Clausen & M.J. Mulvany. Ouabain binding sites and Na content in resistance vessels and skeletal muscles of SHR and K-depleted rats. Hypertension, 1985, 7, 277-286.


14) K. Kjeldsen, A. Nørgaard & T. Clausen. The concentration of 3H-ouabain binding sites in skeletal muscle changes with age, K-depletion and thyroide status. In: The Sodium Pump. Eds.: I. M. Glynn & J. C. Ellory. The Company of Biologists Ltd., Cambridge, 1985, 701-706.


15) A. Nørgaard, K. Kjeldsen & T. Clausen. Quantification of the Na,K-pumps in mammalian skeletal muscle. In: The Sodium Pump. Eds.: I. M. Glynn & J. C. Ellory. The Company of Biologists Ltd., Cambridge, 1985, 695-700.


16) T. Clausen, K. Kjeldsen & A. Nørgaard. Acute and long term regulation of the Na,K-pump in skeletal muscle. In: The Sodium Pump. Eds.: I. M. Glynn & J. C. Ellory. The Company of Biologists Ltd., Cambridge, 1985, 707-711.


17) K. Kjeldsen, A. Nørgaard, O. Hansen & T. Clausen. Significance of skeletal muscle digitalis receptors for 3H-ouabain distribution in the guinea pig. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 1985, 234, 720-727.


18) A. Nørgaard, K. Kjeldsen & O. Hansen. K+-dependent 3-O-methylfluore­scein phosphatase activity in crude muscle homogenate of rodent heart ventricle. European J. Pharmacol., 1985, 113, 373-382.


19) K. Kjeldsen, A. Nørgaard & T. Clausen. Effects of ouabain, age and K-depletion on K-uptake in rat soleus muscle. Pflügers Arch., 1985, 404, 365-373.


20) A. Nørgaard, K. Kjeldsen & T. Clausen. Na,K-pumpen, digitalis glycosidernes cellulare receptor. Ugeskr. Læger, 1985, 147, 4078-4081.


21) T. Clausen, K. Kjeldsen & A. Nørgaard. Effects of K-deficiency on Na,K-contents and the Na,K-pump in muscle. In: Advances in fertility regulation in the male. Eds.: Q. Shao-Zhen & G.M.H. Waites. The peoples medical publishing house, Beijing 1985, 21-32.


22) A. Nørgaard, K. Kjeldsen & T. Clausen. Clinical significance of human muscle membrane with special reference to its Na,K-pump. Inviteret review. The Physician India, 1986, 3, 172-178.


23) T. Clausen & K. Kjeldsen. Effects of K-deficiency on Na,K-homeostasis and Na,K-ATPase in muscle. In: Current Topics in Membranes and Transport. Potassium Transport: Physiology and Pathophysiology. Ed.: G. Giebisch. Academic Press, Orlando and London. 1987, 28, 403-419.


24) K. Kjeldsen & A. Nørgaard. The 3H-ouabain binding capacity of skeletal muscle from spontaneously hypertensive rats shows marginal changes in comparison to the major effects of differentiation, K-depletion and thyroid status. In: Ion Transport and Hypertension. Eds.: M.J. Mulvany & J.R. Nielsen. Scand. J. Clin. Lab. Invest., 1986, 46 (Supp. 180), 72-81.


25) A. Nørgaard, K. Kjeldsen, O. Hansen, T. Clausen, C.G. Larsen & F.G. Larsen. Quantification of the 3H-ouabain binding site concentration in human myocardium: A postmortem study. Cardiovasc. Res., 1986, 20, 428-435.


26) K. Kjeldsen. The importance of skeletal muscles as a distribution volume for digitalis glycosides in guinea pigs and human subjects. In: Cardiac Glycosides 1785- 1985. Eds.: E. Erdmann, K. Greff and J.C. Skou. Steinkopff Verlag, Darmstadt, 1986, 245-255.


27) K. Kjeldsen, M.E. Everts & T. Clausen. The effects of thyroid hormones on3H-ouabain binding site concentration, Na,K-contents and 86Rb-efflux in rat skeletal muscle. Pflügers Arch., 1986, 406, 529-535.


28) K. Kjeldsen & A. Nørgaard. The effect of magnesium-depletion on 3H-ouabain binding site concentration in rat skeletal muscle. Magnesium, 1987, 6, 55-60.


29) A. Nørgaard & K. Kjeldsen. The effect of diuretics and lithium on 3H-ouabain binding site concentration and Na.K-content in rat skeletal muscle. Acta Pharmacol. Toxicol., 1986, 58, 363-367.


30) K. Kjeldsen, E.A. Richter, H. Galbo, G. Lortie & T. Clausen. Training increases the concentration of 3H-ouabain binding sites in rat skeletal muscle. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1986, 860, 708-712.


31) K. Kjeldsen, M.E. Everts & T. Clausen. Effects of semistarvation and K-deficency on the concentration of 3H-ouabain binding sites and Na,K-contents in rat skeletal muscle. Br. J. Nutr., 1986, 56, 519-532.


32) K. Kjeldsen. Complete quantification of the total concentration of rat skeletal muscle Na,K-ATPase by measurements of 3H-ouabain binding. Biochem. J., 1986, 240, 725-730.


33) K. Kjeldsen, H. Brændgaard, P. Sidenius, J.S. Larsen & A. Nørgaard. Diabetes decreases the Na,K-pump concentration in skeletal muscles, heart ventricular muscle and peripheral nerves of rat. Diabetes, 1987, 36, 842-848.


34) K. Kjeldsen & A. Nørgaard. Quantification of rat sciatic nerve Na,K-ATPase by measurements of 3H-ouabain binding in intact nerve samples. J. Neurol. Sci., 1987, 79, 205-219.


35) T. Clausen, M.E. Everts & K. Kjeldsen. Quantification of maximum capacity for active sodium-potassium transport in rat skeletal muscle. J. Physiol., 1987, 388, 163-181.


36) A. Nørgaard, U. Baandrup, J.S. Larsen & K. Kjeldsen. Heart Na,K-ATPase activity in cardiomyopatic hamsters as estimated from K-dependent 3-O-MFPase activity in crude homogenates. J. Moll. Cell. Cardiol., 1987, 19, 589-594.


37) K. Kjeldsen. Natrium,kalium-pumpen og muskelaktivitet. Therapia Hässle, 1987, 3, 2-9.


38) K. Kjeldsen. Motion - Kost og Kaliumbalancen. Helse, 1987, 3, 24-25.


39) M.E. Everts, T. Clausen & K. Kjeldsen. Time course of changes in Na,K-pump concentration and passive Na,K-fluxes in skeletal muscle after administration of thyroid hormone. In: Progress in clinical and biological research volume 268 B. The Na+,K+-pump. Part B: Cellular aspects. Eds.: J.C. Skou, J.N. Nørby, A.B. Maunsbach & M. Esmann. Allan R. Liss inc., New York 1988, 371-376.


40) A. Nørgaard & K. Kjeldsen. The Na,K-pump in human myocardium: Quantification in normal subjects and patients with suspected cardiomyopat­hy. In: Progress in clinical and biological research volume 268 B. The Na+,K+-pump. Part B: Cellular aspects. Eds.: J.C. Skou, J.N. Nørby, A.B. Maunsbach & M. Esmann. Allan R. Liss inc., New York 1988, 269-274.


41) K. Kjeldsen, M.E. Everts & A. Nørgaard. Na,K-ATPase concentration in skeletal muscle: Quantification, regulation, and significance. In: Progress in clinical and biological research volume 268 B. The Na+,K+-pump. Part B: Cellular aspects. Eds.: J.C. Skou, J.N. Nørby, A.B. Maunsbach & M. Esmann. Allan R. Liss inc., New York 1988, 251-256.


42) J.S. Larsen, K. Kjeldsen & A. Nørgaard. Quantification of the Na,K-pump in heart muscle by measurement of 3-O-methylfluorescein phosphatase activity. In: Progress in clinical and biological research volume 268 B. The Na+,K+-pump. Part B: Cellular aspects. Eds.: J.C. Skou, J.N. Nørby, A.B. Maunsbach & M. Esmann. Allan R. Liss inc., New York 1988, 257-262.


43) K. Kjeldsen. Homogeniety of 3H-ouabain binding sites in rat soleus muscle. Biochem. J., 1988, 249, 481-485.


44) K. Kjeldsen, P. Bjerregaard, A.E. Richter, P.E.B. Thomsen & A. Nørgaard. The Na,K-ATPase concentration in rodent and human heart and skeletal muscle: Apparent relationship to muscle performance. Cardiovasc. Res., 1988, 22, 95-100.


45) I. Dørup, K. Skajaa, T. Clausen & K. Kjeldsen. Reduced concentration of K, Mg and Na,K-pumps in human skeletal muscle during diuretic treatment. Brit. Med. J., 1988, 296, 455-458.


46) A. Nørgaard, J.P. Bagger, P. Bjerregaard, U. Baandrup, K. Kjeldsen & P.E.B. Thomsen. Regulation of left ventricular function and Na,K-pump concentration in suspected idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. Am. J. Cardiol., 1988, 61, 1312-1315.


47) M.E. Everts & K. Kjeldsen. Calcium regulation i skelet- og hjertemusk­ler. Teori & Terapi, 1988, 1, (4), 4-7.


48) A. Nørgaard & K. Kjeldsen. Human myocardial Na,K-pumps in relation to heart disease. J. Appl. Cardiol., 1989, 4, 239-245.


49) K. Kjeldsen & P. Grøn. Skeletal muscle Na,K-pump concentration in children and its relationship to digitalis glycoside distribution. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 1989, 250, 721-725.


50) K. Kjeldsen & P. Grøn. Age-dependent change in myocardial digitalis glycoside receptor (Na,K-pump) concentration in children. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol., 1990, 15, 332-337.


51) A. Nørgaard, P. Bjerregaard, U. Baandrup, K. Kjeldsen, E. Reske-Nielsen & P.E.B. Thomsen. The concentration of the Na,K-pump in skeletal and heart muscle in congestive heart failure. Int. J. Cardiol., 1990, 26, 185-190.


52) K. Kjeldsen, A. Nørgaard & C. Hau. Human skeletal muscle Na,K-ATPase concentration quantified by 3H-ouabain binding to intact biopsies before and after moderate physical conditioning. Int. J. Sports. Med., 1990, 11, 304-309.


53) T.A. Schmidt, J.H. Svendsen, S. Haunsø & K. Kjeldsen. Complete quantification of Na,K-ATPase concentration in mammalian heart atria and ventricles by measuring 3H-ouabain binding to intact muscle samples. Stability to ischemia-reperfusion. Basic. Res. Cardiol., 1990, 85, 411-427.


54) K. Kjeldsen. Hypokaliæmi - hvornår skal der gives kaliumtilskud?; T.A. Schmidt & K. Kjeldsen. Virker langtidsdigitalisering?; J.S. Larsen & K. Kjeldsen. Calciumregulation i myocardiet. In: Symposium for Knud Henning Olesen. Eds.: R. Steffensen, S. Rasmussen & S. Haunsø. Dyva Bogtryk-Offset, Glostrup, 1990, 34-47.


55) K. Kjeldsen, A. Nørgaard & C. Hau. Exercise-induced hyperkalemia can be reduced in human subjects by moderate training without change in skeletal muscle Na,K-ATPase concentration. Eur. J. Clin. Invest., 1990, 20, 642-647.


56) K. Kjeldsen. Muscle Na,K-pump dysfunction may expose the heart to dangerous K levels during exercise. Invited review. Can. J. Spt. Sci., 1990, 11, 304-309.


57) T.A. Schmidt & K. Kjeldsen. Enhanced clearance of specifically bound digoxin from human myocardial and skeletal muscle samples by specific digoxin antibody fragments. Subsequent complete digitalis glycoside receptor (Na,K-ATPase) quantification. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol., 1991, 17, 670-677.


58) K. Kjeldsen, T.A. Schmidt & J.S. Larsen. Clinical implications of digitalis glycoside receptor studies in human heart and skeletal muscles. In: The Sodium Pump: Recent Developments. Eds.: J.H. Kaplan & P. De Weer. Rockefeller University Press, New York. Soc. Gen. Physiol. Series, 1991, 46 (II), 613-617.


59) T.A. Schmidt, J.S. Larsen & K. Kjeldsen. Quantification of the total Na,K-ATPase concentration in mammalian heart - regional distribution and regulatory aspects (ischemia/reperfusion - acute hypertrophy - ethanol). In: The Sodium Pump: Recent Developments. Eds.: J.H. Kaplan & P. De Weer. Rockefeller University Press, New York. Soc. Gen. Physiol. Series, 1991, 46 (II), 641-645.


60) J.S. Larsen, T.A. Schmidt & K. Kjeldsen. Quantification of rat cerebral cortex Na,K-ATPase with high recovery. Evaluation of age and K-depletion. In: The Sodium Pump: Recent Developments. Eds.: J.H. Kaplan & P. De Weer. Rockefeller University Press, New York. Soc. Gen. Physiol. Series, 1991, 46 (II), 585-589.


61) T.A. Schmidt, P. Holm-Nielsen & K. Kjeldsen. No upregulation of digitalis glycoside receptor (Na,K-ATPase) concentration in human heart left ventricle samples obtained at necropsy after long term digitalization. Cardiovasc. Res., 1991, 25, 684-691.


62) A. Nørgaard & K. Kjeldsen. Interrelations of hypokalemia and potassium depletion and its implications: a re-evaluation based on studies of the skeletal muscle sodium,potassium-pump. Clin. Sci., 1991, 81, 449-455.


63) P.D. Allen, T.A. Schmidt, J.D. Marsh & K. Kjeldsen. Na,K-ATPase expression in normal and failing human left ventricle. Basic. Res. Cardiol. 1992, 87 (S1), 87-94. Også publiceret i: Cellular and molecular alterations in the failing human heart. Eds.: G. Hasenfuss, C. Holubarsch, H. Just and N.R. Alpert. Steinkopff Verlarg Darmstadt Springer-Verlag, New York,1992, 87-94.


64) T.A. Schmidt, J.S. Larsen & K. Kjeldsen. Quantification of rat cerebral cortex Na,K-ATPase. Effect of age and potassium depletion. J. Neurochem., 1992, 59, 2094-2104.


65) T.A. Schmidt, P.D. Allen, W.S. Colucci, J.D. Marsh & K. Kjeldsen. No adaptation to digitalization as evaluatedby digitalis receptor (Na,K-ATPase) quantification in explanted hearts from donors without heart disease and from digitalized recipients with endstage heart failiure. Am. J. Cardiol., 1993, 71, 110-114.


66) T.A. Schmidt, P. Holm-Nielsen & K. Kjeldsen. Human skeletal muscle digitalis glycoside receptors (Na,K-ATPase): Importance during digitalization. Cardiovasc. Drugs Ther., 1993, 7, 175-181.


67) M.J. McKenna, T.A. Schmidt, M. Hargreaves, L. Cameron, S.L. Skinner & K. Kjeldsen. Sprint training increases human skeletal muscle Na,K-ATPase concentration and improves K regulation. J. Appl. Physiol., 1993, 75, 173-180.


68) T.A. Schmidt, J.S. Larsen, R.P. Shannon, K. Komamura, D. Vatner & K. Kjeldsen. Reduced 3H-ouabain binding site (Na,K-ATPase) concentration in ventricular myocardium of dogs with tachycardia induced heart failure. Basic Res. Cardiol., 1993, 88, 607-620.


69) C. Aalkjær & K. Kjeldsen. Ion transport in vascular smooth muscle and the pathogensis of hypertention. In: Endocrinology and Metabolism. Progress in research and clinical practice (Vol. 6). Ion Channels and Ion Pumps. Eds.: P.P. Foa & M.F. Walsh. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1994, 395-417.


70) K. Kjeldsen. Non-renal potassium homeostasis and Hypokalemia/Potassium-depletion reevaluated on the basis of skeletal muscle Potassium-pump studies. Inviteret review, pp 349-372. In: Endocrinology and Metabolism. Progress in research and clinical practice (Vol. 6). Ion Channels and Ion Pumps. Eds.: P.P. Foa & M.F. Walsh. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1994, 349-372.


71) T.A. Schmidt, S. Hasselbalch, P.A. Farrell, H. Vestergaard & K. Kjeldsen. Human and rodent muscle Na,K-ATPase in diabetes related to starvation, insulin, and training. J. Appl. Physiol., 1994, 76, 2140-2146.


72) T.A. Schmidt, H. Bundgaard, H.L. Olesen, N.H. Secher & K. Kjeldsen. Digoxin treatment and congestive heart failure in light of human cardiac and skeletal muscle digitalis receptor studies. In: The Sodium Pump. Structure mechanism, hormonal control and its role in disease. Eds.: E. Bamberg & W. Schoner. Steinkopff Verlag, Darmstadt, 1994, 832-835.


73) J.S. Larsen, T.A. Schmidt & K. Kjeldsen. Age-related changes in Na,K-ATPase and Ca-ATPase concentration in rat heart ventricle. In: The Sodium Pump. Structure mechanism, hormonal control and its role in disease. Eds.: E. Bamberg & W. Schoner. Steinkopff Verlag, Darmstadt, 1994, 836-839.


74) H. Bundgaard, T.A. Schmidt, H.L. Olesen, N.H. Secher & K. Kjeldsen. Digoxin induced dysfunction of skeletal muscle potassium homeostasis during exercise. In: The Sodium Pump. Structure mechanism, hormonal control and its role in disease. Eds.: E. Bamberg & W. Schoner. Steinkopff Verlag, Darmstadt, 1994, 840-843.


75) K. Kjeldsen, T.A. Schmidt, K.Ø. Christensen, B. Saltin, M.J. McKenna. Does human skeletal muscle Na,K-ATPase concentration correlate with capacity for muscle performance? In: The Sodium Pump. Structure mechanism, hormonal control and its role in disease. Eds.: E. Bamberg & W. Schoner. Steinkopff Verlag, Darmstadt, 1994, 860-863.


76) H. Vestergaard, T.A. Schmidt, P.A. Farrell, S. Hasselbalch & K. Kjeldsen. Insulin as regulator of skeletal muscle Na,K-ATPase concentration in rats with experimental diabetes and patients with diabetes mellitus. In: The Sodium Pump. Structure mechanism, hormonal control and its role in disease. Eds.: E. Bamberg & W. Schoner. Steinkopff Verlag, Darmstadt, 1994, 868-871.


77) K. Kjeldsen, T.A: Schmidt & H. Bundgaard. Extrarenal potassium homeostasis and muscle Na,K-pumps in humans. In: International Society for Heart Research XV European Section Meeting. Eds.: S. Haunsø & K. Kjeldsen. Monduzzi Editore, Bologna, 1994, 159-164.


78) T.A: Schmidt & K. Kjeldsen. Regulation of digoxin receptors in human myocardium. In: International Society for Heart Research XV European. Section Meeting. Eds.: S. Haunsø & K. Kjeldsen. Monduzzi Editore, Bologna, 1994, 263-270.


79) J.S. Larsen, T.A. Schmidt & K. Kjeldsen. Dysregulation of myocardial Na,K- and Ca-ATPase with cardiac hypertrophy. In: International Society for Heart Research XV European Section Meeting. Eds.: S. Haunsø & K. Kjeldsen. Monduzzi Editore, Bologna, 1994, 459-463.


80) J.S. Larsen & K. Kjeldsen. Quantification in crude homogenates of rat myocardial Na+,K+-and Ca2+-ATPase activity by K+- and Ca2+-dependent p-nitrophenylphosphatase. Age-dependent changes. Basic Res. Cardiol., 1995, 90, 323-331.


81) T.A. Schmidt, H. Bundgaard, H.L. Olesen, N.H. Secher & K. Kjeldsen. Digoxin affects potassium homeostasis during exercise in patients with heart failiure. Cardiovasc. Res., 1995, 29, 506-511.


82) T.A. Schmidt, J.S. Larsen & K. Kjeldsen. Myocardial Na,K-ATPase concentration and heart failure. In: Pathophysiology of Heart Failure. Eds.: N.S. Dhalla, P.K. Singal, N. Takeda & R.E. Beamish. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 1996, 353-365.


83) T.A. Schmidt & K. Kjeldsen. Récepteurs digitaliques dans l'insufficance cardiaque, Implications pour le traitement (Digitalis receptors in heart failure - impli­cations for treatment). Réalités Cardiologiques 199­6, 23-30.


84) H. Bundgaard & K. Kjeldsen K. Human Myocardial Na,K-ATPase concentration in heart failure. J. Mol. Cell. Biochem., 1996, 163/164, 277-283.


85) T.A. Schmidt, S. Hasselbalch, J.S. Larsen, H. Bundgaard, M. Juhler & K. Kjeldsen. Reduction of cerebral cortical [3H]ouabain binding site (Na+,K+-ATPase) density in dementia as evaluated in fresh human cerebral cortical biopsies. Cognitive Brain Research, 1996, 4, 281-287.


86) J.S. Larsen, T.A. Schmidt, H. Bundgaard & K. Kjeldsen. Reduced concentration of myocardial Na+,K+-ATPase in human aortic valve disease as well as of Na+,K+-and Ca2+-ATPase in rodents with hypertrophy. J. Mol. Cell. Biochem., 1997;169:85-93.


87) H. Bundgaard, T.A. Schmidt, J.S. Larsen & K. Kjeldsen. K supplementation increases rat skeletal muscle 3H-ouabain binding site (Na,K-ATPase) concentration and improves extrarenal K homeostasis. J. Appl. Physiol., 1997;82:1136-1144.


88) H. Bundgaard, T.A. Schmidt & K. Kjeldsen. Skeletal muscle Na,K-ATPase concentration changes and intramuscular and extrarenal K homeostatis in animals and humans. In: Na,K-ATPase and related transport ATPases. Eds.: L.A. Beauge, D.C. Gadsby, P.J. Garrahan. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 834, New York, 1997, 648-650.


89) T.A. Schmidt, H. Bundgaard & K. Kjeldsen. Regulation of myocardial Na,K-ATPase concentration in experimental and human heart disease. In: Na,K-ATPase and related transport ATPases. Eds.: L.A.Beague, D.C. Gadsby, P.J. Garrahan. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 834, New York 1997, 676-679.


90) T.A. Schmidt & K. Kjeldsen. Myocardial K homeostasis in ischemia - importance of Na,K-ATPase. Basic Res. Cardiol., 1997, 92, 57-59.


91) T.A. Schmidt & K. Kjeldsen. Human myocardial Na,K-ATPase - quantification, regulation and relation to Ca. Cardiovasc. Res., 1998, 37, 335-345.


92) H. Bundgaard, M.T. Enevoldsen & K. Kjeldsen. Chronic K-supplementation decreases myocardial [Na,K-ATPase] and net K-uptake capacity in rodents. J. Moll. Cell. Cardiol., 1998, 30, 2037-2046.


93) A. Ziegelhöffer, K. Kjeldsen, H. Bundgaard, A. Breier, A. Vrbjar & A. Dzurba. Na,K-ATPase in the myocardium: Molecular principles, functional and clinical aspects. Gen. Physiol. Biophys., 2000, 19, 9-47.


94) K. Kjeldsen. Human myocardial Na,K-ATPase in remodeling. In: The hypertrophied heart. Eds.: N. Takeda, M. Nagano, N.S. Dhalla. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston 2000, 393-398.


95) A.S. Mahailidou, H. Bundgaard, M. Mardini, P.S. Hansen, K. Kjeldsen & H.H. Rasmussen. Hyperaldosteronemia in rabbits inhibits the cardiac sarcolemmal Na+-K+ pump. Circulation Res., 2000, 86, 37-42.


96) D.F. Gray, H. Bundgaard, P.S. Hansen, K.A. Buhagiar, A.S. Mahailidou, K. Kjeldsen & H.H. Rasmussen. HMG CoA reductase inhibition reduces sarcolemmal Na+-K+ pump density. Cardiovasc. Res., 2000, 47, 329-335.


97) H. Bundgaard & K. Kjeldsen. Regulation of myocardial K and Na,K-ATPase during high K intake. In: Na,K-ATPases and related ATPases. Eds.: K. Taniguchi, S. Kaya. Excerpta Medica. International Congress Series 1207. Elsevier, The Netherlands, 2000, 551-554.


98) H. Bundgaard, T.A. Schmidt & K. Kjeldsen. Human myocardial Na,K-ATPase in structural cardiac disease. In: Na,K-ATPases and related ATPases. Eds.: K. Taniguchi, S. Kaya. Excerpta Medica. International Congress Series 1207. Elsevier, The Netherlands, 2000, 705-708.


99) T.A. Schmidt, H. Bundgaard & K. Kjeldsen. Digoxin treatment related to human myocardial and skeletal muscular Na,K-ATPase. In: Na,K-ATPases and related ATPases. Eds.: K. Taniguchi, S. Kaya. Excerpta Medica. International Congress Series 1207. Elsevier, The Netherlands, 2000, 743-746.


100) T.A. Schmidt, H. Bundgaard & K. Kjeldsen. Receptor occupancy with digoxin vs. receptor occupancy with a putative endogenous diglitalislike factor. Hypertension Res. 2000, 23, S39-S43.


101) H. Bundgaard & K. Kjeldsen. Regulation of myocardial and skeletal muscle Na,K-ATPase in diabetes mellitus in humans and animals. In: Diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Etiology, treatments and outcomes. Eds.: A. Angel, N. Dhalla, G. Pierce, P. Singal. Advances in experimental medicine and biology volume 498, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, 2001, 319-322.


102) K. Kjeldsen, A. Nørgaard & M. Gheorghiade. Myocardial Na,K-ATPase: the molecular basis for the hemodynamic effect of digoxin therapy in congestive heart failure. Cardiovasc. Res. 2002, 55, 710-713.


103) S.F. Fraser, J.L. Li, M.F. Carey, X.N. Wang, T. Sangkabutra, S. Sostaric, S.E. Selig, K. Kjeldsen & M.J. McKenna. Fatigue depresses maximal in vitro skeletal muscle Na,K-ATPase activity in untrained and trained individuals. J. Appl. Physiol., 2002, 93, 1650-1659.


104) H. Bundgaard & K. Kjeldsen. Potassium depletion increases potassium clearance capacity in skeletal muscles in vivo during acute repletion. Am. J. Physiol., 2002, 283, 1163-1170.


105) H. Bundgaard, K. Kjeldsen, K.S. Krabbe, G. van Hall, L. Simonsen, J. Qvist, C.M. Hansen, K. Møller, L. Fonsmark, P.L. Madsen, B.K. Pedersen. Endotoxemia stimulates skeletal muscle Na,K-ATPase and increases blood lactate level under aerobic conditions in humans. Am. J. Physiol., 2003, 284, H1028-H1034.


106) T.A. Schmidt & K. Kjeldsen. Regulation of digitalis glycoside receptors in digoxin treatment. In: Cardiac remodeling and failure. Eds.: P.K. Singal, I.M.C. Dixon, L.A. Kirshenbaum, N.S. Dhalla. Kluver Academic Publishers, New York, 2003, 501-510.


107) H. Bundgaard & K. Kjeldsen: Muscular K-clearance capacity in vivo must be evaluated on the basis of K and Na,K-ATPase concentrations. In: Na,K-ATPase and related cation pumps. Eds.: P.L. Jørgensen, S.J. Karlish, A.B. Maunsbach. Annals of the New York Akademy of Sciences, 2003, 986, 623-624.


108) K. Kjeldsen & H. Bundgaard: Myocardial Na,K-ATPase and digoxin therapy in human heart failure. In: Na,K-ATPase and related cation pumps. Eds.: P.L. Jørgensen, S.J. Karlish, A.B. Maunsbach. Annals of the New York Akademy of Sciences, 2003, 986, 702-707.


109) R.H.G. Schwinger, H. Bundgaard, J. Müller-Ehmse & K. Kjeldsen. Role of Na,K-ATPase in the failing human heart. Cardiovasc. Res. 2003, 57, 913-920.


110) M.J. McKenna, S.F. Fraser, J.L. Li, X.N. Wang, M.F. Carey, E.A. Side, J. Morton, G.I. Snell, K. Kjeldsen & T.J. Williams: Impaired muscle Ca and K regulation contribute to poor exercise performance post-lung transplantation. J. Appl. Physiol. 2003, 95, 1606-1616.


111) H. Lajer, H. Bundgaard, N.H. Secher, H.H. Hansen, K. Kjeldsen & G. Daugaard: Severe magnesium and potassium depletion in patients treated with cisplatin. Br. J. Cancer 2003, 89, 1633-1637.


112) A. Ziegelhöffer, H. Bundgaard, T. Ravingerova, N. Tribulova, M.T. Enevoldsen & K. Kjeldsen: Diabetes- and semi-starvation-induced changes in metabolism and regulation of Na,K-ATPase in rat heart. Diab. Nutr. Metab. 2003, 16, 222-231.


113) K. Kjeldsen: Digoxin, potassium and myocardial Na,K-ATPase in heart failiure. Pharmacotherapy of Heart Failure. Eds. S. Gupta, P. Singal, S.S. Agrawal. Anamaya Publishers, New Delhi, India, 2005, 95-101.


114) C.T. Tran, T.A. Schmidt, J. Christensen & K. Kjeldsen. Atrial Na,K-ATPase increase and plasma potassium dysregulation accentuate the risk of atrial fibrillation following cardiac surgery. Cardiology 2009, 114, 1-7.


115) C.T. Tran, T.A. Schmidt & K. Kjeldsen. Protection against beta-adrenoceptor agonist reduction of plasma potassium in severe but not in moderate hypokalemia. Fundam. Clin. Pharmacol. 2011, 25, 452-461.


116) C.T. Tran, H. Bundgaard, S.D. Ladefoged, S. Haunsø & K. Kjeldsen. Potassium dynamics are attenuated in hyperkalemia and a determinant of QT adaptation in exercising hemodialysis patients. J. Appl. Physiol. 2013, 115, 498-504.

117) T. Atanasovska, R. Smith, C. Graff, C.T. Tran, J. Melgaard, J.K. Kanters, A.C. Petersen,  A. Tobin, K.P. Kjeldsen, M.J. McKenna. Protection against severe hypokalemia but impaired cardiac repolarization after intense rowing exercise in healthy humans receiving salbutamol.  J. Appl. Physiol. 2018, 125, 624-633.

118) C.T. Tran, T. Atanasovska, C. Graff, J. Melgaard, J.K. Kanters, R. Schmidt, A.C. Petersen, K.P. Kjeldsen, M.J. McKenna. Plasma potassium concentration and cardiac repolarisation markers, Tpeak-Tend and Tpeak-Tend/QT, during and after exercise in healty participants and in end-stage renal disease. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol., 2021 submitted.

Kardiologi og kardiovaskulær farmakoterapi:


119) J. Aldershvile & K. Kjeldsen. Magnesiummangel - En overset tilstand? Leder. Ugeskr. Læger, 1994, 156, 4003.


120) J. Carlsen, P.M. Larsen, K. Kjeldsen, S. Haunsø & S.J. Fey. Search for rejection markers in heart transplantation. In: International Society for Heart Research XV European Section Meeting. Eds.: S. Haunsø & K. Kjeldsen. Monduzzi Editore, Bologna, 1994, 3-8.


121) S.J. Fey, J. Carlsen, P.M. Larsen, U.A. Jensen, K. Kjeldsen & S. Haunsø. Two dimensional gel electrophoresis as a tool for molecular cardiology. In: International Society for Heart Research XV European Section Meeting. Eds.: S. Haunsø & K. Kjeldsen. Monduzzi Editore, Bologna, 1994, 9-16.


122) K. Kjeldsen & S. Haunsø. Akutte smerter i thorax. I: Medicinsk Kompendium. Eds.: I. Lorenzen, G. Bendixen & N.E. Hansen. Nyt Nordisk Forlag Arnold Busck, København 1999, 297-301.


123) E. Gutschik, K. Kjeldsen & H. Egeblad. Endokarditis Infektiosa. I: Medicinsk Kompendium. Eds.: I. Lorenzen, G. Bendixen & N.E. Hansen. Nyt Nordisk Forlag Arnold Busck, København 1999, 1046-1074.


124) J. Aldershvile & K. Kjeldsen. Almen kirurgi hos patienter med hjertesygdom. I: Medicinsk Kompendium. Eds.: I. Lorenzen, G. Bendixen & N.E. Hansen. Nyt Nordisk Forlag Arnold Busck, København 1999, 1203-1206.


125) K. Kjeldsen & A. Nørgaard. Digoxin og hjerteinsufficiens – Et gammelt farmakon med en ny fremtid. Leder. Ugeskr. Læger, 1999, 161, 3264.


126) P. Ekbom, L.M. Hilsted & K. Kjeldsen. Digoxinforgiftning - Indikation for antidotbehandling. Giftinformation. Ugeskr. Læger, 1999, 161, 5039.


127) K. Kjeldsen, A. Nørgaard & K. Thygesen. Nu bør kronisk hjerteinsufficiens også behandles med spironolacton. Leder. Ugeskr. Læger, 1999, 161, 5132.


128) H. Bundgaard, O. Havndrup, P.S. Andersen, L.A. Larsen, N.J. Brandt, J. Vuust, K. Kjeldsen & M. Christiansen. Familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy associated with a novel missense mutation affecting the ATP-binding region of the cardiac beta-myosin heavy chain. J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol., 1999, 31, 745-750.


129) P.S. Andersen, O. Havndrup, H. Bundgaard, L.A. Larsen, J. Vuust, K. Kjeldsen & M. Christiansen. Adult onset familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy caused by a novel mutation, R694C, in the MYH7 gene. Clinical Genet., 1999, 56, 244-246.


130) K. Kjeldsen. Spironolacton til hjerteinsufficiens. Teori og Terapi, 2000, 2, 14-15.


131) O. Havndrup, G. Pettersson, K. Kjeldsen & H. Bundgaard. Outcome of septal myectomy in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Scand. Cardiovasc. J., 2000, 34, 564-570.


132) O. Havndrup, H. Bundgaard, P.S. Andersen, L.A. Larsen, J. Vuust, K. Kjeldsen & M. Christiansen. A novel mutation, Leu390Val, in the cardiac beta-myosin heavy chain associated with pronounced septal hypertrophy in two families with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Scand Cardiovasc. J., 2000, 34, 558-5563.


133) O. Havndrup, H. Bundgaard, P.S. Larsen, J. Vuust, K. Kjeldsen & M. Christiansen. The val(606)met mutation in the cardiac beta-myosin heavy chain gene in patients with familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is associated with a high risk of sudden death at young age. Am. J. Cardiol 2001, 87, 1315-1317.


134) P.S. Andersen, O. Havndrup, H. Bundgaard, J.C. Moolman-Smook, L.A. Larsen, J. Mogensen, P.A. Brink, A.D. Børglum, V.A. Corfield, K. Kjeldsen, J. Vuust & M. Christiansen. Myosin light chain mutations in familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: phenotypic presentation and frequency in Danish and south African populations. J. Med. Genet. 2001, 38, (e43) 1-6.


135) K.H. Johansen, K. Kjeldsen & N. Høiby. Pseudomonas mendocina as a cause of chronic infective endocarditis in a patient with situs inversus. C. M. I., 2001, 7, 648-652.


136) J. Carlsen, K. Kjeldsen & J. Gerstoft. Sildenafil as a successful treatment of otherwise fatal HIV-related pulmonary hypertension. AIDS, 2002, 16, 1568-1569.


137) O. Havndrup, H. Bundgaard, P.S. Andersen, L.A. Larsen, J. Vuust, K. Kjeldsen & M. Christiansen. Outcome of clinical versus genetic family screening in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with focus on cardiac beta-myosin gene mutations. Cardiovasc. Res., 2003, 57, 298-301.


138) N. Høiby & K. Kjeldsen. Moderne mikrobiologisk strategi ved endocarditis. Leder. Ugeskr. Læger, 2003, 165, 103.


139) H. Bundgaard & K. Kjeldsen. Spironolacton og kalium. Ugeskr. Læger 2004, 22, 4392-4393.


140) P.S. Andersen, O. Havndrup, H. Bundgaard, L.A. Larsen, J. Vuust, A.K. Pedersen, K. Kjeldsen & M. Christiansen. Genetic and phenotypic characterization of mutations in myosin binding protein C (MYBPC3) in 81 familiies with familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: Total or partial haploinsufficiency. Eur. J. Hum. Genet., 2004, 12, 673-677.


141) J. Hofman-Bang, T. Jespersen, M. Grunnet, L.A. Larsen, P.S. Andersen, J.K. Kanters, K. Kjeldsen, M. Christiansen: Does KCNE5 play a role in long QT-syndrome? Clin. Chim. Acta., 2004, 345, 49-53.


142) K. Kjeldsen, N. Høiby & K. Kjeldsen. Infektiøs endokardit. I: Medicinsk Kompendium. Eds. N.E. Hansen, S. Haunsø, O.B.S. de Muckadell. Nyt Nordisk Forlag Arnold Busch 2004, 1042-1052.


143) J. Aldershvile & K. Kjeldsen. Almen kirurgi hos patienter med hjertesygdom. I: Medicinsk Kompendium. Eds. N.E. Hansen, S. Haunsø, O.B.S. de Muckadell. Nyt Nordisk Forlag Arnold Busch 2004, 1179-1183.


144) K. Kjeldsen & S. Haunsø. Den problemorienterede vurdering af patienter med kardiale brystsmerter - synkope - dyspnø. I: Medicinsk Kompendium. Eds. N.E. Hansen, S. Haunsø, O.B.S. de Muckadell. Nyt Nordisk Forlag Arnold Busch 2004, 1189-1195.


145) M. Christiansen, K. Kjeldsen, G. Wettrell, L.A. Larsen, L. Lundkvist, P.S. Andersen, C.T. Tran, J.K. Kanters & J. Vuust. Potassium must be considered in long QT-syndrom. HeartDrug 2005, 5, 54-58.


146) M. Christiansen, N. Tønder, L.A. Larsen, P.S. Andersen, H. Simosen, N. Øyen, J.K. Kanters, J.R. Jacobsen, I. Fosdal, G. Wettrell, K. Kjeldsen. Mutations in the HERG K-channel: A novel link between long QT-syndrome and sudden infant death syndrome. Am. J. Cardiol., 2005, 95, 433-434.


147) K. Kjeldsen. Hjerteinfektioner: Endocarditis - Pericarditis - Myocarditis. In: Infektionssygdomme og Mikrobiologi. Eds. K. Kjeldsen, N.A. Peterslund, Lars P. Nielsen, M. Tvede. Akademisk Forlag 2006, 152-163.


148) C.T. Tran & K. Kjeldsen. Endocarditis at a tertiary hospital. Reduced acute mortality but poor long term prognosis. Scand. J. Infec. Dis. 2006, 38, 664-670.


149) S. Haunsø, M. Christiansen & K. Kjeldsen. Kardial synkope - uventet pludselig hjertedød. Leder. Ugeskr. Læger 2006, 168, 2.


150) H. Bundgaard, O. Havndrup, M. Christiansen, P.S. Andersen, H.K. Jensen, J.H. Svendsen & K. Kjeldsen. Langt QT-syndrom - gener, mekanismer og risici. Bør slægtninge genetisk screenes? Ugeskr. Læger 2006, 168, 2537-2542.


151) N.H. Nielsen, B.G. Winkel, J.K. Kanters, N. Schmidt, J. Hofman-Bang, H. S. Jensen, B. H. Bentzen, B. Sigurd, L.A. Larsen, P.S. Andersen, S. Haunsø, K. Kjeldsen, M. Grunnet, M. Christiansen & S. P. Olesen. Mutations in the Kv1.5 channel gene KCNA5 in cardiac arrest patients. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 2007, 354, 776-82.


152) C.T. Tran, H.K. Johansen, N. Høiby, S. Haunsø, K. Kjeldsen & M. Christiansen. Mannan binding lectin is a determinant of survival in infective endocarditis. Clin. Exp. Immunol. 2007, 148, 101-105.


153) K. Kjeldsen. Praktisk anvendelse af diuretika. Lægemagasinet 2007, 21, 36-39.


154) K. Kjeldsen, N. Høiby & H. Egeblad. Infektiøs endokardit. I: Medicinsk Kompendium. Eds.: O.B.S. de Muckadell, S. Haunsø, H. Vilstrup. Nyt Nordisk Forlag Arnold Busck 2009, 1047-1057.


155) C. Hassager & K. Kjeldsen. Almen kirurgi hos patienter med hjertesygdom. I: Medicinsk Kompendium. Eds.: O.B.S. de Muckadell, S. Haunsø, H. Vilstrup. Nyt Nordisk Forlag Arnold Busck 2009, 1194-1198.


156) S. Haunsø & K. Kjeldsen. Problemorienteret diagnostik. Patienten med brystsmerter, dyspnø, synkope. I: Medicinsk Kompendium. Eds.: O.B.S. de Muckadell, S. Haunsø, H. Vilstrup. Nyt Nordisk Forlag Arnold Busck 2009, 1208-1214.


157) Torbicki A, Perrier A, Konstantinides S, Agnelli G, Galiè N, Pruszczyk P, Bengel F, Brady AJ, Ferreira D, Janssens U, Klepetko W, Mayer E, Remy-Jardin M, Bassand JP, Vahanian A, Camm J, De Caterina R, Dean V, Dickstein K, Filippatos G, Funck-Brentano C, Hellemans I, Kristensen SD, McGregor K, Sechtem U, Silber S, Tendera M, Widimsky P, Zamorano JL, Zamorano JL, Andreotti F, Ascherman M, Athanassopoulos G, De Sutter J, Fitzmaurice D, Forster T, Heras M, Jondeau G, Kjeldsen K, Knuuti J, Lang I, Lenzen M, Lopez-Sendon J, Nihoyannopoulos P, Perez Isla L, Schwehr U, Torraca L, Vachiery JL; Guidelines on the diagnosis and management of acute pulmonary embolism: the Task Force for the diagnosis and management of acute pulmonary embolism of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). Eur. Heart J. 2008, 29, 2276-2315.


158) Habib G, Hoen B, Tornos P, Thuny F, Prendergast B, Vilacosta I, Moreillon P, de Jesus Antunes M, Thilen U, Lekakis J, Lengyel M, Müller L, Naber CK, Nihoyannopoulos P, Moritz A, Zamorano JL, Vahanian A, Auricchio A, Bax J, Ceconi C, Dean V, Filippatos G, Funck-Brentano C, Hobbs R, Kearney P, McDonagh T, McGregor K, Popescu BA, Reiner Z, Sechtem U, Sirnes PA, Tendera M, Vardas P, Widimsky P, Aguilar R, Bongiorni MG, Borger M, Butchart E, Danchin N, Delahaye F, Erbel R, Franzen D, Gould K, Hall R, Hassager C, Kjeldsen K, McManus R, Miró JM, Mokracek A, Rosenhek, R, Calvar JASR, Seferovic P, Selton-Suty C, Uva MS, Trinchero R, van Camp G. Guidelines on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of infectious endocarditis (new version 2009): the Task Force on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of infective endocarditis of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). Eur. Heart J. 2009, 30, 2369-2413.


159) Poldermans D, Bax JJ, Boersma E, De Hert S, Eeckhout E, Fowkes G, Gorenek B, Hennerici MG, Iung B, Kelm M, Kjeldsen K, Kristensen SD, Lopez-Sendon J, Pelosi P, Philippe F, Pierard L, Ponikowski P, Schmid JP, Sellevold OF, Sicari R, Van den Berghe G, Vermassen F, Hoeks SE, Vanhorebeek I. Guidelines for pre-operative cardiac risk assessment and perioperative cardiac management in non-cardiac surgery: the Task Force for preoperative cardiac risk assessment and perioperative cardiac management in non-cardiac surgery of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and endorsed by the European Society of Anaesthesiology (ESA). Eur. Heart J. 2009, 30, 2769-2812.


160) Moya A, Sutton R, Ammirati F, Blanc JJ, Brignole M, Dahm JB, Deharo JC, Gajek J, Gjesdal K, Krahn A, Massin M, Pepi M, Pezawas T, Granell RR, Sarasin F, Ungar A, van Dijk JG, Walma EP, Wieling W, Abe H, Benditt DG, Decker WW, Grubb BP, Kaufmann H, Morillo C, Olshansky B, Parry SW, Sheldon R, Shen WK; ESC Committee for Practice Guidelines (CPG), Vahanian A, Auricchio A, Bax J, Ceconi C, Dean V, Filippatos G, Funck-Brentano C, Hobbs R, Kearney P, McDonagh T, McGregor K, Popescu BA, Reiner Z, Sechtem U, Sirnes PA, Tendera M, Vardas P, Widimsky P, Auricchio A, Acarturk E, Andreotti F, Asteggiano R, Bauersfeld U, Bellou A, Benetos A, Brandt J, Chung MK, Cortelli P, Da Costa A, Extramiana F, Ferro J, Gorenek B, Hedman A, Hirsch R, Kaliska G, Kenny RA, Kjeldsen K, Lampert R, Mølgard H, Paju R, Puodziukynas A, Raviele A, Roman P, Scherer M, Schondorf R, Sicari R, Vanbrabant P, Wolpert C, Zamorano JL. Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of syncope (version 2009): the Task Force for the diagnosis and management of syncope of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC).  Eur. Heart J. 2009, 30, 2631-2671.


161) Poldermans D, Bax JJ, Boersma E, De Hert S, Eckhout E, Fowkes G, Gorenek B, Hennerici MG, Iung B, Kelm M, Kjeldsen KP, Kristensen SD, Lopez-Sendon J, Pelosi P, Philippe F, Pierard L, Ponikowski P, Schmid JP, Sellevold OF, Sicari R, Van den Berghe G, Vermassen F, Hoeks SE, Vanhorebeek I, Vahanian A, Auricchio A, Bax JJ, Ceconi C, Dean V, Filippatos G, Funck-Brentano C, Hobbs R, Kearn P, McDonag T, McGregor K, Popescu BA, Reiner Z, Sechtem U, Sirnes PA, Tendera M, Vardas P, Widimsky P, De Caterina R, Agewall S, Al Attar N, Andreotti F, Anker SD, Baron-Esquivias G, Berkenboom G, Chapoutot L, Cifkova R, Faggiano P, Gibbs S, Hansen HS, Iserin L, Israel CW, Kornowski R, Eizagaechevarria NM, Pepi M, Piepoli M, Priebe HJ, Scherer M, Stepinska J, Taggart D, Tubaro M. Guidelines for pre-operative cardiac risk assessment and perioperative cardiac management in non-cardiac surgery: the Task Force for perioperative risk assessment and perioperative cardiac management in non-cardiac surgery of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and endorsed by the European Society of Anaesthesiology (ESA). Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2010, 27, 92-137.


162) K. Kjeldsen, S. Haunsø & N. Højby. Mindre endocarditisprofylakse. Leder. Ugeskr. Læger 2010, 172, 599.


163) K. Kjeldsen, D. Atar, J. Hallen, P. Vardas, F. Zannad, S. Haunsø. Sudden cardiac death – the challenge to cardiology. Fundam. Clin. Pharmacol. 2010, 24, 535-537.


164) K. Kjeldsen. Hypokalemia and sudden cardiac death. Exp. Clin. Cardiol. 2010, 15, e96-e99.


165) K. Kjeldsen & C. Hassager. Infektiøs endokardit. I: Medicinsk Kompendium. Eds.: O.B.S. de Muckadell, S. Haunsø, H. Vilstrup. Nyt Nordisk Forlag Arnold Busck 2013, 991-997.

166) S. Haunsø & K. Kjeldsen. Synkope. I: Medicinsk Kompendium. Eds.: O.B.S. de Muckadell, S. Haunsø, H. Vilstrup. Nyt Nordisk Forlag Arnold Busck 2013, 10991102

167) C. Hassager & K. Kjeldsen. Almen kirurgi hos patienter med hjertesygdom. I: Medicinsk Kompendium. Eds.: O.B.S. de Muckadell, S. Haunsø, H. Vilstrup. Nyt Nordisk Forlag Arnold Busck 2013, 1141-1145.


168) K. Kjeldsen & S. Haunsø. Problemorienteret diagnostik. Patienten med brystsmerter, dyspnø, synkope. I: Medicinsk Kompendium. Eds.: O.B.S. de Muckadell, S. Haunsø, H. Vilstrup. Nyt Nordisk Forlag Arnold Busck 2013, 1149-1155.

169) S. Agewall, M. Cattaneo, J.P. Collet, F. Andreotti, G.Y. Lip, F.W. Verheugt, K. Huber, E.L. Grove, J. Morais, S. Husted, S. Wassmann, G. Rosano, D. Atar, A. Pathak, K. Kjeldsen, R.F. Storey. On behalf of ESC Working Group on Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Drug Therapy and ESC Working group on Thrombosis: Expert position paper on the use of proton punp inhibitors in patients with cardiovascular disease and antithrombotic therapy. Eur. Heart J. 2013, 34, 1708-1713.

170) R.J. Mentz, K. Kjeldsen, G.P. Rossi, A.V. Voors, J.G.F. Clealand, S.D. Anker, M. Gheorghiade, M. Fiuzat, P. Rossignol, F. Zannad, B. Pitt, C. O´Connor, G.M. Felker. Decongestion in acute heart failure. Eur. J. Heart Fail. 2014, 16, 471-482.

171) Kristensen SD, Knuuti J, Saraste A, Anker S, Bøtker, HE, De Hert, S, Ford I, Juanatey JRG, Gorenek B, Heyndrickx GR, Hoeft A, Huber K, Iung B, Kjeldsen K, Longrois D, Luescher TF, Pierard L, Pocock S, Price S, Roffi M, Sirnes PA, Uva MS. Voudris V, Funck-Brentano C. 2014 ESC/ESA guidelines on non-cardiac surgery: cardiovascular assessment and management: The joint Task Force on non-cardiac surgery: cardiovascular assessment and management of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and the European Society of Anaesthesiology (ESA). Eur J Anaesthesiology 2014, 31, 517-573.

172)  R.J. Mentz, J.P.Kelly, T.G. von Lueder, A.A. Vors, C.S. Lam, M.R. Cowie, K. Kjeldsen, E.A. Jankowska, D. Atar, J. Butler, M. Fiusat, F. Zannad, B. Pitt, C.M. O´Connor. Noncardiac comorbidit in heart failure with reduced versus preserved ejection fraction. J. Am. Coll. Cardio. 2014, 64, 2281-2293.

173) G.M.C. Rosano, J. Tamargo,, B.S. Lewis, S. Agewall, S. Wassmann, H. Schmidt C. Vitale, H. Drexel, A. Pathak, C. Torp-Pedersen, K. Kjeldsen, J. Tamargo. Gender differences in the effect of cardiovascular drugs: a position document of the Working Group on Pharmacology and Drug Therapy of the ESC. Eur. Heart J. 2015, 36, 2677-2680.

174) S.G. Priori, C Blomström-Lundqvist, A. Mazzanti, N. Blom, M. Borggrefe, J. Camm, P.M. Elliott, D. Fitzsimons, R. Hatala, G. Hindricks, P. Kirchhof, K. Kjeldsen, K.H. Kuck, A. Hernandez-Madrid, N. Nikolaou, T.M. Norekvål, C. Spaulding, D.J. Van Veldhuisen. 2015 ESC Guidelines for the management of patients with ventricular arrhythmias and the prevention of sudden cardiac death: The Task Force for the Management of Patients with Ventricular Arrhythmias and the Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). Eur. Heart J. 2015, 36, 2793-2867. Europace 2015, 17, 1601-1687. G Ital Cardiol (Rome) 2016, 17, 108-170. Rev Esp Cardiol 2016, 69, 176. 

175) M. Roffi, C. Patrono, J.P. Collet, C. Mueller, M. Valgimigli, F. Andreotti, J.J. Bax, M.A. Borger, C. Brotons, D.P. Chew, B. Gencer, G. Hasenfuss, K. Kjeldsen, P. Lancelotti, U. Landmesser, J. Mehilli, D. Mukherjee, R.F. Storey, S. Windecker, H. Baumgartner, O. Gaemperli, S. Achenbach, S. Agewall, L. Badimon, C. Beigent, H. Bueno, R. Bugiardini, S. Careri, F. Casselman, T. Cuisset, C. Erol, D. Fitzsimons, M. Halle, C. Hamm, D. Hildick-Smith, K. Hubert, F. Iliodromitis, S. James, B.S. Lewis, G.Y. Lip, M.F. Piepoli, D. Richter, T. Rosemann, U. Sechtem, P.G. Steg, C. Vrints. J.L. Zamorano. 2015 ESC Guidelines for the management of acute coronary syndromes in patients presenting without persistent ST-segment elevation: The Task Force for the Management of Acute Coronary Syndromes in Patients Presenting without Persistent ST-Segment Elevation of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). Kardiol. Pol. 2015, 73, 1207-1294. Rev Esp Cardiol 2016, 69, 176. Eur. Heart J. 2016, 37, 267-315. G Ital Cardiol (Rome) 2016, 17, 831-872.


176) M. Schmidt, M. Lamberts, A.M. Olsen, E. Fosbøll, A. Niessner, J. Tamargo, G. Rosano, S. Agewall, J.C. Kaski, K. Kjeldsen, B.S. Lewis, C. Torp-Pedersen, Cardiovascular safety of non-aspirin non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Review and position paper by the Working Group for Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). Eur. Heart J. 2016, 37, 1015-1023. Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Pharmacother 2016, 2, 108-118.


177) T.A. Schmidt, K. Kjeldsen. The management of comorbidities: Diabetes. Cardio Debate Expert Comments.


178) S. Agewall, J.F. Beltrame, H.R. Reynolds, A. Niessner, G. Rosano, A.L.P. Caforio, R. De Caterina, M. Zimarino, M. Roffi, K. Kjeldsen, D. Atar, J.C. Kaski, U. Sechtem, P. Tornvall; Working Group on Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy. ESC Working Group position paper on myocardial infarction with non-obstructive coronary arteries. Eur. Heart J. 2017, 38, 143-153.

179) A. Niessner, J. Tamargo, J. Morais, L. Koller, S. Wassmann, S.E. Husted, C. Torp-Pedersen, K. Kjeldsen, B.S. Lewis, H. Drexel, J.C. Kaski, D. Atar, R.F. Storey, G.Y.H. Lip, F.W.A. Verheugt, S. Agewall. Reversal strategies for non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants: a critical appraisal of available evidence and recommendations for clinical management - a joint position paper of the European Society of Cardiology Working Group on Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy and European Society of Cardiology Working Group on Thrombosis. Eur. Heart J. 2017, 38, 1710-1716.

180) J. Tamargo, G. Rosano, T. Walther, J. Duarte, A. Niessner, J.C. Kaski, C. Ceconi, H. Drexel, K. Kjeldsen, G. Savarese, C. Torp-Pedersen, D. Atar, B.S. Lewis, S. Agewall. Gender differences in the effects of cardiovascular drugs. Eur. Heart J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacother. 2017, 3, 163-182.

181) A. Vonbank, S. Agewall, K. Kjeldsen, B.S. Lewis, C. Torp-Pedersen, C. Ceconi, C. Funck-Brentano, J.C. Kaski, A. Niessner, J. Tamargo, T. Walther, S. Wassmann, G. Rosano, H. Schmidt, C.H. Saely, H. Drexel. ESC Working Group on Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy position paper: Comprehensive efforts to increase adherence to statin therapy. Eur. Heart J. 2017, 38, 2473-2479.

182) A. Niessner, J. Tamargo, L. Koller, C.H. Saely, T.A. Schmidt, G. Savarese, S. Wassmann, G. Rosano, C. Ceconi, C. Torp-Pedersen, J.C. Kaski, K. Kjeldsen, S. Agewall, T. Walther, H. Drexel, B.S. Lewis. Non-insulin antidiabetic pharmacotherapy in patients with established cardiovascular disease: a position paper of the European Society of Cardiology Working Group on Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy. Eur. Heart J. 2018, 39, 2274-2281.

183) G.A. Dan, A. Martinez-Rubio, S. Agewall, G. Boriani, M. Borggrefe, F. Gaita, I. van Gelder, B. Gorenek, J.C. Kaski, K. Kjeldsen, G.Y.H. Lip, B. Merkely, K. Okumura, J.P. Piccini, T. Potpara, B.K. Poulsen, M. Saba, I. Savelieva, J. Tamargo, C. Wolpert. ESC Scientific Document Group. Antiarrhythmic drugs-clinical use and clinical decision making: a consensus document from the European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA) and European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Working Group on Cardiovascular Pharmacology, endorsed by the Heart Rhythm Society (HRS), Asia-Pacific Heart Rhythm Society (APHRS) and International Society of Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy (ISCP). Europace 2017, 20, 731-732an.

184) G. Rosano, J. Tamargo, K. Kjeldsen, M. Lainscak, S. Agewall, S.A. Anker, C. Ceconi, A.J.S. Coats, H. Drexel, G. Filippatos, J.C. Kaski, L. Lund, A. Niessner, G. Savarese, T.S. Schmidt, P. Seferovic, S. Wassmann, T. Walther, B.S. Lewis. Consensus document on the management of hyperkalaemia in patients with cardiovascular disease – Coordinated by the Working Group on Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy of the European Society of Cardiology. Eur. Heart J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacother. 2018, 4, 180-188.

185) K. Kjeldsen, J. Tamargo, T.A. Schmidt. Potassium binders. In: ESC Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine. Third Edition. Eds. KP Kjeldsen, J Tamargo, TA Schmidt. Potassium binders. In: ESC Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine, 3rd edition. Eds.: JA Camm, TF Lüscher, G Maurer, PW Serruys. Oxford University Press 2018, 218-221. Published on Oxford Medicine Online 2019, updated 2020.

186)  Vonbank A, Drexel H, Agewall S, Lewis BS, Dopheide JF, Kjeldsen K, Ceconi C, Savarese G, Rosano G, Wassmann S, Niessner A, Schmidt TA, Saely CH, Baumgartner I, Tamargo J. Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Pharmacother. 2018, 4, 230-236.

187) K.P. Kjeldsen, T.A. Schmidt. Potassium homeostasis and pathophysiology of hyperkalaemia. Invited review.  Eur Heart J Suppl., 2019, A2-A5.

188) P. Sulzgruber, S.Wassmann, A.G.Semb, W. Doehner, P. Widimsky, T. Gremmel, J.C. Kaski, G. Savarese, G.M.C. Rosano, C. Borghi, K.P. Kjeldsen, C. Torp-Pedersen, T.A. Schmidt , B.S. Lewis, H. Drexel, J. Tamargo, D. Atar, S. Agewall, A. Niessner. Oral anticoagulation in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation and a CHA2DS2-VASc score of 1: a current opinion of the European Society of Cardiology Working Group on Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy and European Society of Cardiology Council on Stroke. Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Pharmacother. 2019, 5, 171-180.

189) Sulzgruber P, Wassmann S, Semb AG, Doehner W, Widimsky P, Gremmel T, Kaski JC, Savarese G, Rosano GMC, Borghi C, Kjeldsen K, Torp-Pedersen C, Schmidt TA, Lewis BS, Drexel H, Tamargo J, Atar D, Agewall S, Niessner A. Oral Anticoagulation in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation and a CHA2DS2-VASc score of 1. Eur Heart J. 2019, 40, 3010-3012.

190)  Savarese G, Reiner MF, Uijl A, D'Amario D, Agewall S, Atar D, Baumgartner I, Borghi C, De Carlo M, Drexel H, Kaski JC, Kjeldsen KP, Kucher N, Lund LH, Niessner A, Semb AG, Schmidt TA, Sulzgruber P, Tamargo J, Vitale C, Wassmann S, Aboyans V, Lewis BS. Antithrombotic therapy and major adverse limb events in patients with chronic lower extremity arterial disease: systematic review and meta-analysis from the European Society of Cardiology Working Group on Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy in Collaboration with the European Society of Cardiology Working Group on Aorta and Peripheral Vascular Diseases. Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Pharmacother. 2020, 6, 86-93.

191)  Drexel H, Lewis BS, Rosano GMC, Saely CH, Tautermann G, Huber K, Dopheide JF, Kaski JC, Mader A, Niessner A, Savarese G, Schmidt TA, Semb A, Tamargo J, Wassmann S, Kjeldsen KP, Agewall S, Pocock SJ. The age of randomized clinical trials: three important aspects of randomized clinical trials in cardiovascular pharmacotherapy with examples from lipid, diabetes, and antithrombotic trials. Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Pharmacother 2021, 7, 453-459. 

192)  Magavern EF, Kaski JC, Turner RM, Drexel H, Janmohamed A, Scourfield A, Burrage D, Floyd CN, Adeyeye E, Tamargo J, Lewis BS, Kjeldsen KP, Niessner A, Wassmann S, Sulzgruber P, Borry P, Agewall S, Semb AG, Savarese G, Pirmohamed M, Caulfield MJ. The Role of Pharmacogenomics in Contemporary Cardiovascular Therapy: A position statement from the European Society of Cardiology Working Group on Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy. Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Pharmacother. 2021 online ahead of print.

193) Magavern EF, Kaski JC, Turner RM, Drexel H, Janmohamed A, Scourfield A, Burrage D, Floyd CN, Adeyeye E, Tamargo J, Lewis BS, Kjeldsen KP, Niessner A, Wassmann S, Sulzgruber P, Borry P, Agewall S, Semb AG, Savarese G, Pirmohamed M, Caulfield MJ.  Challenges in Cardiovascular Pharmacogenomics Implementation: A viewpoint from the European Society of Cardiology Working Group on Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy. Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Pharmacother. 2021 online ahead of print.  

194)  Drexel H, Pocock SJ, Lewis BS, Saely CH, Kaski JC, Rosano GMC, Tautermann G, Huber K, Dopheide JF, Mader A, Niessner A, Savarese G, Schmidt TA, Semb AG, Tamargo J, Wassmann S, Clodi M, Kjeldsen KP, Agewall S. Subgroup analysis in randomized clinical trials: Value and limitations. Review on important aspects of randomized  clinical trials in cardiovascular pharmacotherapy.  Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Pharmacother. 2021 online ahead of print.

195) Krogager ML, Kragholm, K, Thomassen JQ, Søgaard P, Lewis B, Wassmann S, Baumgartner I, Ceconi C, Schmidt TA, Kaski JC. Drexel H, Semb AG, Agewall S, Niessner A, Savarese G, Kjeldsen KP, Borghi C, Tamargo J, Torp-Pedersen C. Update on management of hypokalaemia and goals for the lower potassium level in patients with cardiovascular disease: a review in collaboration with the European Society of Cardiology Working Group on Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy. Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Pharmacother. 2021 online ahead of print.

196) Tamargo J, Kjeldsen KP, Delpon E, Semb AG, Cerbai E, Dobrev D, Savarese G, Sulzgruber P, Rosano G, Borghi C, Wassman S. Torp-Pedersen CT, Agewall S, Drexel H, Baumgartner I. Lewis BS, Ceconi C, Kaski JC, Niessner A. Facing the challenge of polypharmacy when prescribing for older people with cardiovascular disease. A review by the European Society of Cardiology Working Group on Cardiovascular Pharmacother. 2021 submitted.

Vaccinologi og immunologi:


197) O. Simonsen, K. Kjeldsen, B. Møller-Madsen, A. Nørgaard, L. Simonsen & I. Heron. Stivkrampeimmunitet hos 25-30 årige, Ugeskr. Læger, 1984, 146, 1341-1344.


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 Andet - Hospitalsplanlægning, uddannelse, forskningsfinanciering mv.:


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227) K. Kjeldsen, J. Bech & T. Schmidt. Mentorship in medical research. HeartDrug, 2004, 4, 168-174.


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230) K. Kjeldsen. A proficient mentor is a must when starting up with research. Exp. Clin. Cardiol. 2006, 11, 1243-245.

231) K. Kjeldsen. Den Europæiske arbejdsgruppe: European Society of Cardiology Working Group on Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Drug Therapy. Cardiologisk Forum 2014, 19 (4), 35.

232) K. Kjeldsen. European Society of Carrdiology Working Group on Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy. The chairman´s report at the general assembly 2014. Eur. Heart J. - Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy 2015, 1, 13-14.

233) A.R. Pries, A. Naoum, H. Habazettl, M. Dunkel, R. Preissner, C.J. Coats, A.Tornada, F. Orso, F. Van de Werf, D.A. Wood; CardioScape steering committee, F. Van de Werf, D.A. Wood, S. O'Kelly, J. Craven, A. Coats, K. Sipido, D. De Backer, L. Wallentin, G. Hasenfuss, L. Della Sala, I. Leggeri; CardioScape scientific committee, D.A. Wood, F. Van de Werf, T. Jaarsma, P. Elliott, A.R. Pries, R. Madonna, K. Kjeldsen, A.P. Maggioni, O.H. Franco, S. Hills, F. Pugliese, D. De Bacquer. CardioScape mapping the cardiovascular funding landscape in Europe.  Eur. Heart J. 2018, 39, 2423-2430.

234) Kaski JC, Kjeldsen KP. Cardiovascular pharmacotherapy: a new ESC Handbook comprehensively addresses pharmacological treatment issues for patients with cardiovascular disease. Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Pharmacother. 2019, 5, 185-186.




T.A. Schmidt, J. Bech & K. Kjeldsen: A practical guide to medical research. FADLs Forlag 2003, 1-148, ISBN 87-7749-402-4. Anmeldt af Daniel Andersen i Ugeskrift for Læger 2004, 2608.


K. Kjeldsen, L.P. Nielsen, N.A. Peterslund & M. Tvede, Eds:. Infektionsmedicin og klinisk mikrobiologi. Akademisk Forlag. 2006, 1-443. ISBN 87-500-3733-1. Anmeldt af Jens Kjølseth Møller i Ugeskrift for Læger 2006, 3564.

J.C. Kaski & K.P. Kjeldsen, Eds.: The European Society of Cardiology Handbook on Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy. Oxford University Press 2019, 1-929. ISBN 978-0-19-875993-5.